The “Madina eye” team was launched in 2018, carrying a visionary ambition to bring about positive change in the community. It started with a group of inspired young individuals deeply passionate about community service. At the beginning of 2024, the team’s vision evolved to focus on innovation in finding solutions to societal challenges, aiming to develop and implement creative initiatives that meet community needs and contribute to sustainable development.

Our Goals

Collaborating with government institutions, the private sector and non-profit organizations to achieve sustainable development goals.

Raising community awareness

The team aims to encourage innovation and creative thinking in the design and implementation of community initiatives, with a focus on developing effective and sustainable solutions to current social challenges.

Capacity development

The team seeks to empower youth and develop their leadership, social and professional capabilities and skills through training programs and workshops.

Youth Initiatives Development

The team aims to support and encourage young people to develop and implement their own initiatives to bring about positive change in their communities.

sustainable development

The team works to promote sustainable development by developing initiatives in the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

Encouraging innovation and creativity

The team works to encourage innovation and creativity in designing and implementing community solutions and initiatives to achieve maximum effectiveness and impact.

Building strong partnerships

Collaborating with government institutions, the private sector and non-profit organizations to achieve sustainable development goals.


Collaboration and Partnership

The team values sustainable partnerships with government, private, and non-profit sectors to enhance communication, share experiences, and foster mutual cooperation.

Innovation and excellence

The team aims to encourage innovation and creative thinking in the design and implementation of community initiatives, with a focus on developing effective and sustainable solutions to current social challenges.

Positive impact

Achieving a positive impact that spans time and space, by implementing community initiatives that contribute to improving the quality of life and promoting sustainable development.

Social Responsibility

It is considered an essential part of the team’s role as an integral component of society, as it bears the responsibility of promoting balance between different segments of society. This is evident through the participation of different sectors in supporting voluntary, charitable and development programs.

Youth Empowerment

The team works to enhance the capabilities of young people and prepare them to enter the labor market, while encouraging them to actively participate in community initiatives. Young people are a vital and influential segment in bringing about change and development in society.

Community building

Building a thriving community based on social interaction and continuous innovation, by motivating youth, enhancing cooperation, and achieving positive impact in various aspects of community life.